Sky is the limit – kind of

Beyond a simple 2×1 starter base there are virtually no limits to how many different variations you can design when building a base. There are however some good tricks to use, making it tougher and better protected from burglars and raiders.

1 – Lock your TC. Don’t invite anyone to snoop around unhindered.

2 – Split your valuables into different rooms. It will make it harder for an outsider to access. Lock your storage boxes for the same reason as with the TC.

3 – Have more than one sleeping bag or bed in your base. This allows for you to spawn in different areas or floors and keep a kit nearby for easy access.

4 – Shotgun Traps and Flame Turrets make for excellent defensive deployables.

Cheap upkeep

On our servers we have made the upkeep of bases low by making the materials in your TC last four (4) times longer than they normally would. Additionally we have removed the taxation that comes with building larger bases. The upkeep will stay around 10% of the material cost no matter how many building blocks you have used. This makes a huge difference for larger buildings.

Fortify and Rustrician

There is a great tool available on Steam when comes to designing bases. It is called Fortify and is very cheap to buy. It will help you plan out your base in advance and get an estimate of how much material you will need to build it.

While Fortify also supports electricity, the free to use web based Rustrician might be a better option.

Get inspired

Copying a base directly from YouTube is rarely a great idea but using it as inspiration could be. Remember, if you found it online, others will as well.

The user named Dust is one of many base builders worth checking out.